Code of ethics
I. Purpose:
Sustaining the highest moral standards of the work performed. Therefore, this code of ethics is considered as an essential component of performance at SITCO. Compliance with the provisions of this code is regarded as an employment precondition, as the Group requires its employees to take their duties to the highest ethical and professional standards. The point of announcing the Code of Professional Ethics is to provide comprehensive instructions guideline that can assist employees in performing their duties and achieving the highest level of required professionalism.
II. Applicability:
Code of Professional Ethics should be followed by all employees in local as well as external departments, including administration officials, management level, technicians and employees. Any employee shall not comply or contribute to any work that violates or repudiates with the policies stated in the Code of Ethics. Accordingly, any violation to or incongruity with the policies of this Code shall be reported to the Human Resources department, and necessary disciplinary actions will be taken, which may consequently lead to termination of the employee.
III. Violations:
Any employee, who violates any professional ethic, will be constrained to disciplinary actions that may intensify to the termination of the employee. Examples of actions that may resu lt in further disciplinary actions are:
Encouraging others to violate the Code of Ethics.
Refusal to submit complaints regarding confirmed or potential violation to the Code of Ethics. Unwillingness to show up to investigations concerning breaches to the Code of Ethics. Misbehaving with an employee when he submits a complaint regarding a violation of the Code of Ethics.